HBO Radio Club/SPARC Field Day 2008

The Home Box Office Amateur Radio Club and the Suffolk Police Amateur Radio Club


Andy operating position 2.

Looking out at the antennas.
Picture by Andy Feldman

The gang enjoying the fine "Field Day Cusine" thanks to Jeff's wife.
The food was very good. Thanks for bringing me the cup of coffee Jeff.

All good things must come to an end... even Field Day.
Now the tear down begins.

Taking down the vertical.

Removing the VHF antenna.

Wrapping up the HF dipole.

The tents come down.

The last items are cleaned up and taken away.

Time to get in our cars and trucks to leave.
Pictures by Andy Feldman

CU next year.

Thanks go to, in no particulr order. Jeff - KB4JKL, Andy - WB2FXN, Charlie - W2CAL,
Dave - KC2MJX, Mike - W1WHN, Phil - WX1CT, Bob - WT0P and all of you who helped
make this years Field Day a sucess. And special thanks to the HBO Communications
Center for again providing the site for this event.     Jerry WA2FNQ

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